Why Checking a Company’s Financials is Crucial Before Your Job Interview: A Guide for Job Seekers

Why Checking a Company’s Financials is Crucial Before Your Job Interview: A Guide for Job Seekers

Why Job Seekers Must Check a Company’s Financials Before an Interview

Getting a job is more than having a good resume and doing well in the interview. It’s also about doing your research. One important part of this research is looking at a company’s financial health. This helps you pick an employer that offers job security, growth, good pay, and a positive workplace.

Why a Company’s Financial Health Matters

A company’s financial stability affects your job security. For example, Sears was once a big brand, but its financial troubles were clear from its statements. Sears had falling sales and high debt, which led to layoffs and bankruptcy. Employees faced uncertainty and limited career growth.

On the other hand, companies like Apple show strong financial health. Apple has consistent revenue growth, large cash reserves, and good returns. This allows Apple to invest in new products, expand, and offer great benefits to employees. Knowing a company’s financials helps you avoid risky jobs and find stable, growing companies.

Key Financial Documents to Review

To know a company’s financial health, focus on these key documents. They show how the company is performing and any risks it faces.

  • Annual Reports: These reports give detailed insights into the company’s operations and plans. For example, Tesla’s 2023 report shows growth in sales but also notes challenges like supply chain issues. This helps you understand both the opportunities and risks.
  • Balance Sheets: Balance sheets show a company’s financial position. They list what the company owns and owes. For example, Meta (Facebook) has strong cash reserves and low debt, showing financial strength. A company with high debt and low assets might be struggling.
  • Income Statements: These statements show a company’s earnings and expenses. For instance, Uber’s statements show high revenue but also ongoing losses. This helps you see if the company is likely to be profitable in the future.
  • Cash Flow Statements: Cash flow statements track the company’s cash in and out. Amazon’s statement shows strong cash from e-commerce and cloud services. Positive cash flow means the company can pay its bills and invest in growth.
  • Key Financial Ratios: Ratios like debt-to-equity and return on equity (ROE) help assess financial health. A high debt-to-equity ratio can mean high risk, while a strong ROE, like Google’s, shows good management and profits.

Where to Find Financial Information

Finding this information is easy for public companies. Public companies must file financial reports with bodies like the SEC in the U.S. You can find these reports on the company’s website under “Investor Relations” or on the SEC’s EDGAR database.

For private companies, financial information is harder to find. You can still find insights in industry reports, news articles, and by talking to current or former employees. Websites like Dun & Bradstreet also offer business credit reports that can help.

Using Financial Knowledge in the Interview

Knowing a company’s financials helps you assess its stability and gives you an edge in interviews. For example, if a startup has just raised funding, you could ask, “How will you use the new funds, and how will this affect my role?” This shows you’re prepared and strategic.

Financial knowledge also helps in salary talks. If a company is doing well, you can confidently ask for more pay. If the company is struggling, you might focus on job security or other benefits instead.

Real-World Example: WeWork’s Collapse

WeWork’s collapse in 2019 is a good example of why checking financials matters. WeWork was growing fast, but its financials showed big losses and risky growth. The failed IPO led to layoffs and financial trouble. Job seekers who looked at WeWork’s finances might have seen the risks and reconsidered.


Checking a company’s financials before an interview is key to making smart career choices. By reviewing reports like annual reports, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, you can judge a company’s health and potential. This helps you see if the company is right for you and boosts your confidence in interviews and pay talks.

Understanding a company’s financials helps you find not just a job, but a stable and rewarding future.